About Me

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Wyoming, United States
I'm a true, independent western critter, born and raised in Wyoming and so proud of that fact. I was blest with a dad who loved and respected the great outdoors and taught us to do the same. I've been able to pass that on to our children. I hope we can get to know each other and share the ups and downs of our lives.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Many years ago our Mother wrote a poem comparing each of us kids to the flower she believed we were most like. I don't remember all of the details but I do remember that she said that Jennie was like a rambling rose. That was so very true. Jennie always walked to the beat of a different drummer-until the director of the band made her conform to his wishes.

She taught me so much about finding out who I am and being myself and appreciating my own independent spirit.

She's been gone for over a year now from this earth but her "rambling spirit" will live in my heart forever.


  1. Oh, that's so sweet. How true about Jennie. I miss her too.

  2. How nice! I look forward to reading more of your blog! Thanks for the nice comment you left on my blog! Thanks for stopping by!


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